A Dream Camp for Kids with Serious Illnesses Read more
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  • Our Camp Program
Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity

Program Report for the Summer in the Fiscal Year 2020.

What's New

  • Tokyo Marathon 2025 Charity (Application has closed) »MORE
  • Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 Charity(Recruitment has closed) »MORE
  • Program Report for the Summer in the Fiscal Year 2020 »MORE
  • We Are SeriousFun Day: Celebrating the birthday and legacy of Paul Newman!  »MORE
  • Solaputi Kids’ Camp is accepted as a Full Member Camp of SeriousFun Children’s Network;»link SeriousFun Children’s Network
  • Added 2013 Annual Report and 2012 Annual Report;»MORE
  • Solaputi Kids’ Camp is formally recognized as a provisional member of SeriousFun Children’s Network.;»press releasepdf download
  • About Solaputi Kids’ Camp  »MORE
  • Construction update of Solaputi Kids’ Camp  »MORE

At Solaputi Kids’ Camp, we serve to children with serious illnesses and their families to improve their quality of life by providing outdoor experiences that address emotional and spiritual needs. At our specially-built camp facility, these children and their families can experience the joy of nature through experiential activity programs in a relaxed and safe environment. And thanks to the support of the nearby Takikawa Municipal Hospital, doctors and nurses are always on hand to take care of medical issues. Through the programs at our camp, we aim to offer these children happy memories, wonderful new friends, strength to carry on living, and hope.

solaputi kids' camp

Takikawa City Hokkaido,Japan

Contact us

For inquiries about supporting or working with Solaputi Kids' Camp, or to request an interview, please contact our office via this button.